
  • Don't confuse impossible with really hard to do.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Finish Human Body Guide and Body Article

You will have the first half of class to finish your human body guide, if you do not get done you are more than welcome to borrow one of the Science books to work on it during seminar or at home. The second half of class we will be going through a human body article. The article is an informative article about a variety things the body contains and the amazing things it can do.

Bell Ringer (2/28-29/16)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Levels of Organization & Systems

We will do a short check on the levels of organization and then move our focus to Systems. We will do a short probe over what systems are in general and then you will be working on a body system organizer to become more familiar with the major body systems we will be focusing on this unit.

Bell Ringer - Review over the levels of organization, review the Blendspace if necessary. We will start the quiz 3 minutes after the bell rings.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Levels of Organization

We will continue with levels of organization today. We will have a short discussion over the levels and why the levels are organized the way they are.

*All missing assignments need to be turned in by Friday. Any student missing work will be required to come in at lunch and complete the work until it is finished.

Bell Ringer (2/24/16)

Monday, February 22, 2016

New Day, New Unit

We will be starting the Human Body Unit today. We will go over some of the basics to start the unit such as, Pretest and I Can Statements. To start the unit you will go over a Blendspace on Levels of Organization, this will be the bridge between the Cell Unit and Human Body Unit. We have talked about the levels of organization briefly before.

Bell Ringer (2/22-23/16)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Finalize Commercial & Complete Missing Work

We will spend today finishing up commercials and completing any missing work. There are a number of students who do not have their Cell Process Investigation complete, please check your grade and the list on the board for missing assignments.

Bell Ringer (2/18/16)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cell Commercial- Final Day To Film

We will be finishing up the cell commercial today and tomorrow, if necessary. With the short class it is important you use your time wisely and stay on task.

Bell Ringer- Be prepared to start class when the bell rings.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Cell Commercial

We will continue with the cell commercial today, remember to follow the rubric and make sure that you include all the necessary information to earn the grade you want. As you use WeVideo don't forget the content is the most important thing, you can add in the special effects later. We will work on the commercial today and finish up on Wednesday.

Bell Ringer (2/15-16/16)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Continue with Cell Commerical

We will continue to work on the cell commercial.  I will walk you through how to download and use the app we will making the commercial with. If you have a smart phone and have video making apps on it you are welcome to use it. But make sure that there is a way to either share or send the video to me if you use your smart phone.

Bell Ringer (2/10-11/16)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Cell Commercial

We will have a short discussion on the 3 main cell processes. Afterwards we will go over the rubric for the Cell Unit Performance Assessment, the Cell Commercial. This is the final project for the unit. It will combine the knowledge you have gained over the past two investigation. We will spend a good deal of time on this activity, but you will need to use your time wisely and effectively.

Friday, February 5, 2016

3 Main Processes

We will spend time today discussing and filling out a graphic organizer on the three main processes, photosynthesis, cellular respiration & mitosis. Please be prepared to share information from your topic. Your participation will help the class create a more detailed and accurate graphic organizer.

Bell Ringer (2/5/16)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Discussion & Final Claim

We will have small group discussions based on your topic and whole class discussion to follow. You will have time today to finish up your sources and complete the final claim and reflection. Remember to look over your packet and make sure you took the time to completely explain your thinking in your source reflections and final reflection. The Bell Ringer today has to do with reading graphs and interpreting data, this is practice for Iowa Assessments.

Bell Ringer (2/1-2/16)