
  • Don't confuse impossible with really hard to do.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How Systems Work Together Quiz

We have spent the past few weeks focusing on how systems work together. With the Pushing The Limits Video and the Handout we have identified a few general ways systems work together. Today you will be taking a quiz over this topic.

Bell Ringer - Review your notes and make sure you have everything in them you need for the quiz.

Monday, April 24, 2017

How Systems Work Together

We will be finishing up how systems work together today and plan on taking the quiz on Wed/Thurs. depending on your Science day. We will spend the first part of class looking at your heart activity. The second part will be looking at how systems work together and try and come up with a general statement to identify how all systems work together.

Bell Ringer (4/24-25/17)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Pushing the Limits & Heart Rate Activity

We will spend the first part of class finishing up the Pushing the Limits video. Remember to be looking for ways that systems work together and a be thinking of a general statement that could be created on HOW systems work together. The last 30 minutes will be spent completing the heart rate activity.

Bell Ringer (4/20/17)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Systems and How They Work

We are going to quickly go over the human body guide. After that we will break into small groups and you will discuss how the systems work together during your activity. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR NOTEBOOK OR PAPER YOU ANSWERED YOUR SYSTEMS ACTIVITY QUESTIONS ON.

Bell Ringer - Be ready to share out how systems worked together in your outside activity.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Systems Outside Activity


We will be going outside today for our systems activity. When you finish the bell ringer please copy down the four questions on the board in your notebook. We will be going outside in about 10 minutes. After the outside activity we will spend the rest of the class working on your human body guide. When you finish the guide I have a few extra activities for you to work on.

Bell Ringer (4/12-13/17)

Monday, April 10, 2017

Systems, Pretest and Guide

We will continue working on systems, we will take the human body pretest and work on the human body guide. The guide will be your source on what each system does and some of their specific organs. As we work through the unit and look at different systems, the guide will be an easy and quick way for you to see what these different systems do.

Bell Ringer (4/10-11/17)

Friday, April 7, 2017

Systems, what are they?

We have wrapped up our cells unit and moving into systems. We will specifically look at how the body is a group of interacting systems that maintain a balance and keep us functioning. We will work on identifying what a system is and how they function. We will look at all body systems during the unit and then focus specifically on the nervous system.

Bell Ringer (4/7/16)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Finish Cell Investigation

We will be wrapping up your cell investigation today. The first 20-25 minutes will be finalizing your sources. From there we will have a short discussion on what you are finding and you will have an opportunity to talk to your classmates and see some of the specific things they discovered. Your final claim and reflection needs to be completed before Friday.

Bell Ringer (4/5-6/17) 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Continue Investigation

Good to see you back, it was a rough few days in LA. The sun was shining, hot, I could barely stand the heat that I had to wear shorts everyday. We will continue with your investigation, the first part of class we will spend sometime catching me up to speed on where you are.

Bell Ringer - Be prepared to share one thing that you have found out about how cells are built.